Pomegranate (Anar)

Moisture 78.0% Protein 1.6%
Fat 0.1% Minerals 0.7%
Carbohydrates 14.5% Vitamin C 16 mg
Calcium 10 mg Phosphorus 70 mg
Iron 0.3 mg
>Calorific Value - 65 (values per 100 gms)
>Small amount of Vitamin B complex
Origin and Distribution

The fruit has been held in high esteem from time immemorial as a food and a medicine. The pomegranate is a six-sided fruit of fairly large size, with tough leathery skin.The pomegranate is a native of Iran and Afghanistan. spreads early round the Mediterranean and eastwards to India, China and Japan. In India, it is cultivated mostly around pune, in Maharashtra and Dholka in Gujarat and to a limited extent in Uttar Pradesh.

Natural Benefits Of Pomegranate

All parts of the tree, the roots, the reddish brown bark, leaves, flowers, rind and seeds, have featured in medicine for thousands of years. This fruit is regarded as a fruit which is good for the inflammation of the stomach and pain of heart.

  • Medicinal Properties

The juice from the fresh fruit is an excellent cooling beverage for alleviating thirst in cases of fevers and sickness. It acts on the liver, heart and kidneys and tones up their functions, it rincreases the body's resistance against infections, particularly tuberculosis.

  • Uses

Its juice is regarded as a delicacy and is made into excellent sherbet and drunk with the addition of water and sugar. It is used in preparation of syrups, ice-creams, jellies and marmalades.

  • Precautions

The fruit should be eaten immediately after they are cut open as the seeds lose their colour quickly. Pipes should not be swallowed while eating the fruit, create a bad effect in the intestines and may cause apendictis.

Pomegranate For Various Diseases

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